
Posts Tagged ‘bead making’

Tell me why I am a bit sad?  I love my new Rose (who still needs a name and her new wheel), but I will still miss my first wheel.  Thank you for all the interest.

I got a big order of wool in today, tons of white and black merino, awesome light brown romney roving, some camel down and a bit more cashmere.  Well it was supposed to be only 0.1 pound, but they sent a pound, ugh.  So I am waiting to see if I am billed for the whole amount or not and what can be done.  It is gorgeous, but I already have 8 oz of white and I am not that proficient at spinning cashmere yet.  I do okay with it blended, but by itself, forget it.  So I might have some cashmere up for sale in the shop shortly and definitely cashmere blended batts, be on the lookout!

Off to spin and dye up some more, the shop update should be done by Monday.  I will post here when it is.  🙂

I forgot to ask, do any of you do lampwork bead making? It was something that I have always been interested in and I know I do not need another hobby, but would love any info if you have it.  🙂

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